Monday, March 23, 2009

The tank is here!

So today was a big day! I got the call that my aquarium was ready to be picked up. I got a tank made by a local gentleman by the name of Andy. He put it all together for me for $25 and I couldn't be happier. Thanks Andy!

Here it is at home:

It's kind of dusty but I think it looks great! :D

Andy also gave me a business card of one of his friends who's into saltwater aquariums. I'm excited about the possibility of meeting a fellow enthusiast. I'm sure he'll be able to offer some valuable advice and who knows maybe I'll even be able to get a pound or two of live sand to help with the seeding.

As for the lighting situation, I'm still just comparing what I want to spend and what I really need for this aquarium. I'm tossing around the idea of getting a T5HO now but it's just a question of where really. I'm not in any hurry really so it might be a while. Until next time!

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