Sunday, June 7, 2009

Well that didn't take long...

Ok, so apparently I've got some "nuisance algae" forming at a rapid rate. It's called Bryopsis and it's common problem in the hobby. The bad news is that it's a pain in the ass to eliminate because it only requires one cell for regrowth.

The good news is that a bunch of people have already confirmed that the best method for irradication is to dose Magnesium. Basically, the higher levels of Magnesium choke out Bryopsis' ability to photosynthesis. You can read about it in depth here if you wish.

So the game plan now is to reduce the light cycle and purchase some magnesium booster. I'll also need to purchase a magnesium test kit. A $40 minimum adventure I'm sure. I can't call around to the local stores until tuesday as most are closed. There's a bird and aquarium shop on main st that I might call and see if I can swing by before golf otherwise it'll be tuesday at the earliest. I'm going to continue to test for ammonia, nitrite and ph over the next few days.

Latest pics of my problem! lol

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