Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Glue + Frag = Fun

So today, I glued my first frag to my rock. This is something that I'll have to get used to in the hobby. I was a bit intimidated at first but after some digging around online I found a few guides. Pretty basic really, apply the adhesive to the bottom of the frag and stick it on the rock. Hold it for about 15 seconds and release. Some people use an aquaputty in between the glue and the frag but I opted to just glue it directly.

Here's the new photos:

Monday, July 20, 2009

Chillin with the locals...

When I first started this hobby I turned to message boards to guide me on the right path. Most of the time I spend on the internet is talking to strangers. So I found out that there was a local website dedicated to fish and it had its own section dedicated to saltwater. I found out that there is a lot more people in Winnipeg that have saltwater aquariums than I thought.

So long story short a local member hooked me up with my first coral. I got a handful or two of chaetomorphia as well which I need for my refugium. It was a sweet score and best of all the guy was just a regular dude who was knowledgeable. It was a good experience and he hooked me up with a sweet deal.

Apparently I have to work on my picture taking abilities because I cant get the same color they have in real life. Oh well. Here's a couple pics from a couple angles and a new full tank shot. Notice Fuzz up on the rock and the tiny little frag in the bottom right. :)

Shout out to Bobby Risigliano for seeing claude change into his other shell. I have a video here but I'm not sure how much you can make out. Language warning, if there's kids in the room wear earmuffs.

Thursday, July 16, 2009

One step for Ribbie, one giant leap for Ribbies Nano Reef Adventure!

Well folks, it's been a couple days since the last update but I've been working feverishly to get my tank in order.

There's been a lot of changes to my tank since I've last posted. I did a large water change as well as some rock cleaning using a nail brush to remove any loose crap on the rocks.

Pretty gross really. It didn't smell very nice either but I'm glad that I took the time to do it. All of the rock looks much cleaner now and there's less visible algae. I was careful not to disturb the sand bed in case it caused a spike in my water levels.

After cleaning out the rock I was forced to re-aquascape my entire tank. I thought it would be easy to remember how I had my rock before I took it out.... I was very wrong. So I went back to the drawing board and came up with this:

I didnt like it at first but it's beginning to grow on me.

Kind of a top down view

I also did some work on my Hagen Aquaclear 70 hang on the back filter. I purchased this product because it has an area where I can grow microalgae without having it in my main display. In order to do this, I had to make some modifications involving an exacto knife, adhesive, and some patience. I ended up with this when I was done:

After I had let the glue set for 24 hours I was ready to add it back to my tank. I purchased some dust filters for a floor vent at walmart for $5 and they seem to be working quite nicely. I just folded it over a couple of times and put it in the first chamber. The second chamber to the right is where I will be growing the microalgae (basically sea grass). The vent in the front is so that none of it floats out into the main display.

You probably thought I was done.... hahah NO. I also went out and purchased a minor clean up crew. My first life in the tank! I'm so pumped.

I purchased a blue hermit crab (who I wasnt able to get a good picture of because he's so fast), 3 astrea snails, and a tuxedo urchin or pincushion urchin. One snail also had a friendly little hitch hiker... a currently unidentified starfish! On with the pics:

Myself adding the bags to the fishtank. You float the bags for a couple minutes and then drip water from your tank into the bag slowly over the course of a half hour to ease the animal into your water parameters. After this, you grab them out of the bag and place them in the tank.

It was pretty freaky grabbing a crab for the first time. I'm not really looking forward to the day I get my emerald crabs and have to grab them! The snails were pretty much what I expected and the urchin felt fuzzy more so than pricky.

The tuxedo urchin has earned the name FUZZ for his fuzzy feel and appearance. These urchins like to pick up items off the seabed and wear them as camouflage so that predators cant spot them as easily. That big white think is shaped like him so maybe that's what happens when he molts, I'm not sure.

And last but not least there's stella the starfish. I didn't write about Stella before, but I actually had a different starfish that came with my live rock. My girlfriend is on the naming committee and she decided that starfish should be named stella (Assuming I have only one). Well this is Stella 2.0, I like the little bugger. Likes to sit on the glass and hang out.

I think it's part ninja though because I never see it move but I'll look away for two seconds and it's moved. Very sneaky stella...

I also bought some food pellets:

That's it for now! I'll report back in a while.

Sunday, July 12, 2009

It's tough to find good help!

Well, I've been extremely patient waiting for treatment to take place. The magnesium dosing has proven to be effective at mitigating the bitch algae. It seems as if the water parameters have leveled out and it's now time to add some life.

I went to Salt Water Connection to purchase an emerald crab and some snails on thursday evening and guess what!? They didn't have any! I've been in and out of salt water stores for a couple months now and they ALWAYS have emerald crabs. Not today! So I went home empty handed, instead of just impulse buying SOMETHING to put in my tank.
I'm ready to add life though once I'm able to find some animals. I'm going to add some snails and crabs shortly to help take care of any algae growing on the rocks. I've been told that Aardvark pet supplies (on St Marys) has saltwater and am going to try pop in soon to check it out. Until then, I'll increase my photoperiod and see how the rock reacts.

Here's some photos, so you can see how the algae has subsided along with another full tank shot. The rock is super white now! I think it's from the corralline algae dying off the surface (that was the pretty red/purple stuff).

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Progress Report

I have been dosing for a little over a week now and have seen some marked improvements. I don't have any pictures this time around but the bitch algae is subsiding slowly. I'm going to continue with high Mg levels for the next two and a half weeks. I might introduce a clean up crew at that point if everything is going well.